A lot of social problems can be related to teenagers these days. Some feel that this is because parents are not able to spend enough time to take care of their teenage child. Do you agree or disagree?

It is indeed true that many social issues are associated with teenagers nowadays. It is thought by some that their parents are to be blamed for not imparting their values by spending time together to look after them. While I accept that parents should keep an eye on their children to make them civilized people, I believe that some other factors are also responsible.

It is undeniable that lack of quality time among parents and their progeny is liable for the emergence of social problems in teenagers. The most compelling reason is that owing to a hectic business schedule, parents are unable to impart social values to young people that how to behave in public and the difference of right and wrong. As a result, teenagers become inconsiderate and get entail in wrong activities such as drug abuse. Moreover, when parents become unwary of kind of programs that children watch and type of games they play; it might give rise to criminal activities.

However, I think that only parents should not be held responsible as other people may cajole youngsters to be anti-social. Many a time, teenagers are persuaded by the negative peers who encourage them to do mischief just for fun. Regardless of how circumspect the progenitors have been, the children get indulged in bad things leading to the problem of juvenile delinquency. Apart from this, teenagers sometimes become anti-social due to the influence of social networking sites. Social media has become a platform for many wrongdoers to persuade others thoughts and make them behave against society.

Conclusively, it can be analysed that the absence of progenitors can negatively affect a child’s psychology; however, I consider that despite parents’ involvement, the company of teenagers and social media influence child’s behaviour.

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