The table below shows the primary funding sources of international students in the US during the years 2003/04 and 2013/14.

Write a 150-word report for a university lecturer describing the data and make comparisons where relevant.

Changes of primary Funding source of international Students in the U.S. 2003/04 – 2013/14.

Primary Source of FundingNumber of Students in 2003/04% of Total in 2003/04Number of Students in 2013/14% of Total in 2013/14% change from 2003/04 to 2013/14
Personal and Family38554367%57412965%49%
U.S. College or University13401523%17121819%28%
Foreign Government or University136992%661477%383%
Current Employer101112%495036%390%
Other Sources291415%250553%-14%

The given table illustrates the changes in the percentage of foreign students in U.S who received funds from various sources in a decade, from 2003-04 to 2013-04.

Overall, although main source of funds for the international students was their own or family money followed by support from U.S. College/university, the significant rise was witnessed in funding from foreign government/university and current employer.

In detail, the out of total 572509 overseas students, 67% students used their own or family income to support themselves in 2003-04. The number of these students increased by 49% in one decade but their percentage reduced to 65% of total 886052 students. Similarly, the U.S. government/University provided funds to 28% more students in 2013-14 than in 2003-04 however, their percentage among total students in 2013-14 also declined by 4%.

 In contrast, foreign government/University and current employers each gave their support to mere 2% students in 2003-04 whereas their support grew by 390% and 383% respectively in 10 year and reached 6% to 7% students. Meanwhile, there was a decline of 14% students which received funding from other sources.

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