Part 1 – Questions 1-10

Questions 1-6. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


1. How far is it from the youth hostel to the city centre? ___________

2. What is the website address of the youth hostel? ________

3. What event is taking place on March 22″J? _________

4. Who does the concert feature? _________

5. What exhibition scans on March 24th? _________

6. What will be closed in March? _________

Questions 7-10. Choose the correct letters A-C.

7. When does the train ride depart?

  • A. 9.00
  • B. 9.15
  • C. 9.30

8. Where is it recommended to buy tickets?

  • A. at the tourist office
  • B. at the Station
  • C. at the youth hostel

9. How much is the group discount?

  • A. 10%
  • B. 15%
  • C. 20%

10. How long does the excursion last?

  • A. 3 hours
  • B. 3½ hours
  • C. 4 hours


Part – 2 Questions 11-20

Questions 11-13. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11. Which chart shows the company’s sales figures for the last five years?

12. Which chart shows the relationship of three departments this year?

13. Which chart shows numbers of temporary staff in the company?

Questions 14-19. Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

• Company’s mission statement: ’14 ________for customers’

• In case of problems, always ask your 15 ________for help

• Important for customers to have a 16 ________experience

• Tell customers about 17 _______ goods

• Read the 18 ______ every month

• Must attend 19 _______on Thursdays

Question 20. Choose TWO letters A-E. 20. Which TWO things must be done today?

  • A. complete form
  • B. get security pass
  • C. register for discount
  • D. show certificates
  • E. watch information video


Part – 3 Questions 21-30

Questions 21-24. Which action does each type of penguin do? Choose your answers A-G from the box below and, write them next to questions 21-24.

A. always hesitate before jumping

B. avoid climbing if possible

C. lean backwards when calling

D. move around at night

E. use its bill when climbing

F. usually look twice at things

G. walk with its flippers pointing downwards

21. Gentoo _________

22. Rockhopper __________

23. Magellanic __________

24. King ________

Questions 25 – 27. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

25. How do penguins usually sleep? _________

26. What do a Rockhopper’s yellow feathers do when it is angry? _________

27. What do penguins recognise in the Skua’s wings? __________

Questions 28-30. Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE ONE TWO WORDS for answer.

Penguins prefer co swim in groups because it makes it easier to search 28 ______ When they are on land, they appear to be 29 ______ The majority of species are characterised by their 30_______ nature, which makes them particularly interesting for humans to study.


Part 4 Questions 31-40

Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORDS for each answer.

31. Governments have been mistaken to _________ slums.

32. There is often a lack of real __________ concerning housing projects.

33. Housing policies which are based on principles of _________ help are particularly effective.

34. Some _______ should always be provided by governments.

35. Migrants will only ________ money in housing if they feel secure.

36. Governments often underestimate the importance of _______ value to housing projects.

37. The availability of _________ is the starting point for successful housing development.

38. Urbanisation can have a positive effect on the ________of individuals.

39. The population size of cities enables a range of _________ activities to occur.

40. City living tends to raise the level of _________ among people.

1. 2 km
3. street festival
4. local musicians
5. natural history
6. sports centre/center
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. creating value
15. line manager
16. positive
17. special offer
18. newsletter
19. progress meetings
20. E, B
21. A
22. E
23. F
24. G
25. standing
26. stick out
27. white patches
28. food
29. calm
30. social
31. demolish
32. consultation
33. self
34. services
35. invest
36. community
37. employment
38. freedom
39. specialist
40. understanding

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