The chart below gives information about the growth of the urban population in certain parts of the world including the prediction of the future.

The chart below gives information about the growth of the urban population in certain parts of the world including the prediction of the future.

The given column graph depicts the increase in the percentage of urban population in Africa, Asia, Latin America/ Caribbean and the whole world from 1950 to 2000 and also gives predictions for 2030.

Overall, it is clear that urban population has grown in all the given areas and is expected to grow in the future.

It can be seen that population escalated in all the given areas of the world and is expected to grow further. In 1950, Latin America and Caribbean had the maximum urban population, which constituted 42% of the total population. In contrast, Asia and Africa had much lesser people living in cities at 14% and 12% of the total population respectively. just under a third of the population was of urbanites in the whole world in 1950.

In 2000, Africa saw an almost threefold increase in urban population. In both these areas city population became approximately 38% of the total. Latin America had over two third of the population in cities. However, the whole world had almost equal number of rural and urban people in is predicted that by 2030 the urban population will continue to grow in all areas by 10-15%. Almost 80% of people in Latin America are expected to live in cities, whereas in the whole world the percentage of urbanites is expected to be 60%.

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