Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus. Do you think this a positive or negative development?

The idea of providing distance education by numerous universities has become quite fashionable. Although online course brings some drawbacks with itself, I believe this trend has many advantages.

Despite the disadvantages below, I think that this tendency is likely to be profitable. One noticeable advantage is an increase in the academic chance for social members. The adoption of videoconferencing technology and free-to-use group chats in Internet-bases courses may serve to facilitate the study of busy workers without leaving their current jobs. Furthermore, students could get access to academic lectures by prominent professors from World-famous universities via e-learning classes. Another point in favor is convenience. Online distance education enables students not only take the initiative to plan their study schedule but also review lectures, discussion, comments or share notes with each other on-demand.

Admittedly, there are some shortcomings to this trend. One disadvantage is the lack of interaction with the instructors and fellow classmates in the light of the internet disconnect. This procrastination may discourage learners from meeting their deadlines and completing their assignments. Students’ plagiarism and dishonesty are areas of concern as well. Some critics feel that it is easier to copy or share answers owing to reduced surveillance and increase connectivity. Consequently, this copyright infringement could drive them to the verge of being expelled from the course of study.

In conclusion, despite some negatives above, it seems to me that learning activities through the medium of the internet are highly beneficial for the masses.

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