Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic, social and commercial perspectives.  What are the causes of these pressures and what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures?

There is a current distressing situation that the external life has burdened the youth with a wide range of pressures. This is the result of increasing competition, negative effects of media and advertising companies but this can be alleviated by taking appropriate steps.

The fact that children are coerced into pressures and responsibilities stems from a number of root reasons. The primary cause is the escalating competitiveness of the job market accompanied by parental over-expectation. The organizations’ demand for a qualified workforce pours into the parents’ mind a thought that their children have to be successful at school, and many youths today take studying as an obligation. In addition, some children, mostly those who have special talents or are born infamous families, may find it hard to deal with haters. The appearance of the media at such a young age may deprive the junior citizens of an innocent and carefree childhood. Finally, children have to encounter, fast food chains which have made them the target customers; and they are dragged into a chaotic influx of information by both the online and offline advertising campaigns.

Turning to possible solutions, the first obvious solution is parents should create a mentally and physically healthy domestic environment, involving a balance between learning and relaxing. Cooling-down activities such as sports, drawing or traveling, which are normally affordable, can release the stress of children brought on by both academic and social burdens. In addition, business morality has to be emphasized and followed by all firms. They should keep their online advertisements inaccessible to the youth by putting age restrictions on websites.

To conclude, it is unfair for the children to bear any kind of pressure, and every part of society should exert effort to provide them with a happy youth life.

Important Vocabulary

• Viable: capable of working successfully; feasible.

Example: the proposed investment was economically viable

• Coerce: persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

Example: they were coerced into silence

• Escalate: increase rapidly.

Example: the price of tickets escalated

• Competitiveness: The quality of being as good as or better than others of a comparable nature

Example: High-protein soybean varieties may improve the competitiveness of livestock producers.

• Deprive: deny (a person or place) the possession or use of something.

Example: the city was deprived of its water supplies.

• Drastic: Likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme

Example: This is likely to mean a drastic reduction of overheads and also of headcount.

• Emphasize: give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing

Example: he jabbed a finger into the tabletop to emphasize his point.

• Penetrate: succeed in forcing a way into or through

Example: the shrapnel had penetrated his head and chest.

• Inaccessible: unable to be reached

Example: We continue to sign collective agreements that are generally written in complex and inaccessible language.

• Restriction: a limiting condition or measure, especially a legal one.

Example: The company is now planning restrictions on commercial development.

• Exert: make a physical or mental effort.

Example: He needs to exert himself to try to find an answer.

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