Cue Card: Describe a plant grown in your country that you think is important

Describe a plant grown in your country that you think is important

  • What it is

  • Where it is grown

  • Why is it important to your country

  • what it looks like

Tulsi (also known as holy basil) is one of the most common plants in India and it is used for various purposes. It is also known as the queen of herbs and is also popular for its healing properties. This is a kind of herbal plant and comes with a huge number of advantages and even people, these days, have this plant in their homes. They use the plant leaves to cure the usual diseases and health disorders. I think this is a great cue card topic for me and I will answer the remaining questions happily. Thank you for this opportunity to let me talk about a useful plant.

Tulsi is available across the country. But due to the wide medical benefits, people are now growing the plant inside their homes. The plant needs natural conditions to grow perfectly. So, it is planted in places where natural light is available and air flow is smooth. People living in apartments grow the plant in their balconies as well.

This is a small green plant. The leaves are small and are adorable to look at. There are four types of Tulsis are available across the country and each of them has different medical properties. A part of the plant is used to produce the herbal tea which is beneficial for human health. Another type is used to extract oil to produce herbal toiletries and to serve many other purposes.

The plant is useful in many ways. The Tulsi oil is beneficial to control insects. Tulsi leaf juice is effective to cure respiratory disorders, coughs, cold and even fever. Even Tulsi oil is applied as an ear drop to remove the dust and dirt from the ear. Prevention of malaria is another important feature of this plant. Often Tulsi is referred to be used during indigestion or preventing insomnia. So, it appears that the plant is really useful for people.



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