Cue-Card 8. Describe an English lesson that you enjoyed

8. Describe an English lesson that you enjoyed

You should say:

  1.  When it was
  2. -Where it was
  3. -What you did
  4. -What your teacher did
  5. -Why it was special    
  • Well, I would like to share with you about a really pleasant experience in an English class I had in my university.
  • During one of our grammar lessons, the regular teacher was sick so the school had to send a substitute teacher to cover her place.
  • Mandeep kaur the one who took care of our class that day, delivered an amazing lecture in English about how she thinks we all should learn languages through watching films.
  • Throughout two hours, she explained to us the process of learning a language and how films can serve as an effective way to immerse in a language.
  • Basic elements like vocabulary and grammar can be easily absorbed if we focus on dialogs on a TV show.
  • So in the long run, our overall language skills can be improved. This helps us learn any languages effortlessly in a short period of time.
  • At first, we all were skeptical about the ideas she introduced, however, after watching a short video to practice and doing a trial test, we were all convinced that learning by movie was not hard at all and we could apply this to enhance our performance at school.
  • I enjoyed this lesson so much because I find it particularly effective to me. I always felt demotivated when learning by the traditional methods and my results were not desirable.
  • But when I tried learning English by using my favorite movies, you know what? My English got better and better and very soon I am able to remember thousands of new words and write really complicated essays.
  • Now, I even proudly say that I have mastered the English language.

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