Cue-Card 22. Describe your favourite weather

Describe your favourite weather

You should say:

-What kind of weather it is

-What you usually do during this weather

-How this weather affects your mood

-Why you like this type of weather

  • I particularly like when it’s sunny and pleasantly warm outside. I mean when it’s already warm enough to go out without having to pile on the layers of clothing, which make me look like a marshmallow, but not boiling hot when everything around gets sticky and you sweat all day.
  • I really like warm days of early autumn and late spring when the temperature is about 20 degrees above zero.
  • When it’s neither hot nor cold, spending time outdoors is more fun. For example, I like being able to have a coffee at a table outside.
  • Also, walking in the park is my thing, again, not in the blistering heat. Such weather is great for picnics with family and friends, fishing, hiking, and playing different outdoor games.
  • But I wouldn’t say that the weather has a significant impact on what I do. I guess it’s more about what I feel.
  • When it’s sunny and warm, I feel optimistic and energetic. I am full of plans and ideas.
  • Even if somebody or something makes me upset, I quickly forget about it as soon as I feel sun on my face.

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