Questions: 1-10.  Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Example: ClearPoint Telephone Company

Customer Order Form

Order taken by:

Ms. Jones


Harold 1 _________________


2 ___________________ Fulton Avenue, apartment 12

Type of service:

3 ____________________ manager


Wrightsville Medical Group


4 ____________________

Work phone:

5 ____________________

Time at current job:

6 ____________________

Special services:

7 ________________ distance   

8 ________________

Installation scheduled for:

Day 9 _____________    

Time of day 10 __________________



Questions: 11-14   Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

11. The fair will take place at the

  • A – fairgrounds.                                          
  • B – park.                                                
  • C – school.


12. The fair will begin on Friday

  • A – morning.                                               
  • B – afternoon.                                      
  • C – evening.


13. The fair will begin with a

  • A – parade.                                                  
  • B – dance performance.                    
  • C – speech by the mayor.


14. There will be free admission on

  • A – Friday.                                                  
  • B – Saturday.                                        
  • C – Sunday.


Questions 15—20                

Complete the chart below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.



Saturday afternoon

15 _________________ show

Saturday evening

16 _________________ by the lake

Sunday afternoon

17 _________________ contest

All weekend

18 _________________ food

19 _________________ for children

20 ________________ for sale



Questions 21-23     

Complete the information below.   Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.


How to get academic credit for work experience first, read the university 21 _____________ Find courses that match your work experience. Then write a 22 ____________ of your work experience. Submit that together with a letter from your work 23 ____________ to the university admissions office.


Questions: 24-28

Where can the items listed below be found?

  • A. admissions office
  • B. counselling centre
  • C. library

Write the correct letter, A, B, or C, next to questions 24-28.

24. university catalogue _____

25. application for admission form _____

26. requirements list _____

27. recommendation forms _____  

28. job listings _____


Questions 29 and 30        Choose the correct letters, A, B, or C.

29. What are full-time students eligible for?

  • A – Discounted books                     
  • B – The work-study program                      
  • C – A free bus pass


30. How can a student get financial assistance?

  • A – Speak with a counsellor            
  • B – Apply to the admissions office           
  • C – Make arrangements with a bank



Questions: 31-35. Complete the chart with information about the black bear.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD and/or a number for each answer.


Lives in 31 ___________of North America


Ninety percent of diet consists of 32 __________ area.

Also eats 33 __________ foods


Baby bear cubs are born in the 34 ____________

Life span

Black bears live for about 35 ___________ in the wild.


Questions: 36-40.

Which characteristics fit black bears and which fit grizzly bear?

Write A if it is a characteristic of black bears.

Write B if it is a characteristic of grizzly bears.


36 . Has a patch of light fur on its chest ____________

37. Weighs 225 kilos ____________

38. Has a shoulder hump ____________

39. Has pointed ears ____________

40. Has shorter claws ____________

  1. Kramer
  2. 58
  3. residential
  4. office
  5. 637-555-9014
  6. 9 years
  7. long
  8. Internet
  9. Friday
  10. morning
  11. B
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. clown
  16. concert
  17. singing
  18. international
  19. games
  20. crafts
  21. catalogue
  22. summary
  23. supervisor
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. A
  31. forested
  32. plant
  33. insects/fish
  34. winter
  35. 25 years
  36. A
  37. B
  38. B
  39. A
  40. A